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New cameras up to 31MP with M42 mount and GigE Vision

23 October 2019 – SVCam Products
New cameras up to 31MP with M42 mount and GigE Vision
© Roland Maier

SVS-Vistek has recently started offering high quality CMOS cameras with M42 mount. This allows even higher-resolution sensors with large 3.45 x 3.45 μm pixels to be integrated into the EXO series, with many advantages for the user.

New models

The latest models with Sony Pregius IMX sensors are called exo387GE with 16.8 MP and exo367GE with 19.6 MP resolution. As with the successful exo342GE at 31.4 MP, the 3.45 x 3.45 μm pixel delivers high photosensitivity and pleasingly low noise. The user benefits from a very good dynamic range of over 70 dB.

Many high-quality lenses will fit

The final image always arises from the combination of camera and lens. Due to the large pixel, a variety of very good M42 lenses from many manufacturers can be combined with these cameras. The almost square sensor on the exo367 and the rectangular sensors on the exo387 and the exo342 offer the best conditions to solve a wide range of tasks.

Fast enough?

The EXO series is equipped with standard GigE Vision according to GenICam specification. The high resolutions lead to relatively low frame rates, which are however sufficient for many tasks. If the speed of Gigabit Ethernet is too low, there are alternatives: The exo387, exo367 and exo342 are also offered with USB3 Vision Interface. The hr387 and hr342 are can be ordered with the super-fast 10 GigE interface. All SVS-Vistek cameras are capable of directly controlling up to 4 independent LED illuminations with the built-in strobe controller and power outputs.

More resolution, more speed

SVS-Vistek extends the EXO series with the new models to cover the entire resolution range from 2 to 31 MP. Other interfaces are also available like USB3 Vision, 10 GigE for higher speeds. Even higher resolutions are covered by the HR and SHR series.

copyright title image: © Roland Maier
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