SVCapture2 with new features

SVCam Kit provides a modern GenICam-based software architecture for industrial cameras. Version 2.5.3 of the interactive tool SVCapture offers new features in the use with new wizards. New as well is the ability to store images in RAW format.
Most modern architecture
GenTL (GenICam Transport Layer) is the fundamental basis of SVCam Kit. The GenTL interface provides cross-interface access to the GenICam tree of the camera and delivers the image data stream. The GenTL driver therefore is only a module of SVCapture and can also be used with third-party software.
Most simple inclusion
Integrating the SVS-Vistek GenTL driver into the application software is quite simple: In the third-party software, specify the path to the GenTL driver (a single *.cti file) and that's it. The third-party software uses the GenTL driver to retrieve information about the camera features directly from the camera's XML file.
Currently, GigE Vision, USB3 and Camera Link are available as transport layers. From now on, further GenTL producers can also be integrated.
New helpful assistants
SVCapture2 now offers a new histogram view, which is very useful in connection with creating look-up tables. New wizards have been added for cameras that support shading correction or defect pixel correction:
- The defect pixel correction tool makes it easy to create and apply defect pixel maps.
- The shading correction wizard helps to compensate for inhomogeneous illumination or lens shading already in the camera with high bit depth.
Storing the images is now possible in several file formats. All current camera settings can be exported as a text file. This is especially helpful for programmers or users of third-party software.
Polarized SDK example code
The exo250Z is the new camera with the IMX250 polarized sensor from Sony. The new sensor offers many new possibilities in the machine vision sector that were previously difficult to solve. For example, tensions in glass and plastics, liquids on materials, defects on rubber or in carbon fiber braids can be detected very easily with minimal effort in hardware and software.
The extraction of this information is specific to this sensor architecture. A new example in the source code helps to start coding with this exciting camera.