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시장 및 응용 분야


검사 작업은 이미지 처리 시스템의 핵심 응용 분야 중 하나입니다. 거의 모든 산업 분야에서 다양한 작업에 사용됩니다. 예를 들어,

생명 과학

최첨단 이미징 기술은 독보적인 선명도와 정확성을 제공하여 연구자와 전문가가 지식과 혁신의 발전에 중요한 상세하고 정확한 데이터를 캡처할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

교통 & 운송

사례 연구

White-orange Evolonic drone flies over forests to detect fires at an early stage
Aerial imaging

Early fire warning by drone

Early detection is crucial in quickly and effectively combating forest fires. In case of danger, drones from Evolonic, equipped with an industrial camera and a lens from SVS-Vistek, provide firefighters with a valuable time advantage.

Black industrial camera from the EXO series from SVS-Vistek looks at a blue and white pharmaceutical packaging with Braille
Pharma productionPrint image inspection

Every Braille dot is crucial

Braille is enormously important for people with visual impairments, especially when identifying medicines. With the DotScan inspection system based on industrial cameras and lenses from SVS-Vistek, in-situ ensures error-free Braille on pharmaceutical packaging.

Three small flames in a dark room
Factory automation

Optimized Powder Bed Laser Melting processes

The goal of Aconity3D GmbH is to optimize the stability of an innovative manufacturing method called Powder Bed Laser Melting and to promote its use in a wide range of industries. By utilizing high-speed industrial cameras from SVS-Vistek, the company has come one step closer to this goal.

A pipette tip is inspected by a black EXO camera from SVS-Vistek.
Medical technology

Automated pipette tip inspection

Automated inspection stations from Ziemann & Urban, equipped with industrial cameras from SVS-Vistek and other image processing components, enable pipette tip manufacturers to inspect pipette tips with high precision and at the same time economically.

Turbocharger of a vehicle inspected by several cameras

Reliable inspection of turbochargers

Vision On Line´s Resident 1200 Visual Inspection machine vision system and industrial cameras from SVS-Vistek guarantee the fully automated 100% inspection of products at a leading manufacturer of complete turbocharger assemblies for cars and commercial vehicles.

Asycube feeder: two black boxes with solid vibration platform and pouring platform on top.
Factory automation

See, recognize, grasp

The goal of the Swiss company Asyril is to improve the performance of assembly robots. It uses sophisticated image processing systems to facilitate the gripping of bulk material components by robots in production, relying on an innovative idea and on industrial cameras from SVS-Vistek.

Conveyor belt with packed cheese passing through a Kaiser engineering reader equipped with SVS-Vistek industrial cameras.
Food industry

Image processing for error-free label inspection

These days, food production nearly always entails a high degree of automation. Among other things, Swiss company Kaiser engineering designs and assembles equipment used by renowned cheese producers. Automation and imaging components sourced from Fabrimex Systems AG, SVS-Vistek, Effilux and Matrox Imaging result in powerful systems permitting error-free food production all around the world.

SVS-Vistek black square industrial camera with long lens looking at an application from above.
Electronics and PCB

OTTO Vision Technology: Proprietary image processing software a strength

Up to 30 electrical plug-in connectors per second, each of which entail any number of adjustable test features, and each error has to be detected with 100% assurance. Based in Jena, Germany, OTTO Vision Technology GmbH builds testing systems that meet such high-end demands. In doing so, it relies on machine vision cameras provided by SVS-VISTEK GmbH.