
SWIR - Short wave infrared

2018年12月13日 – SVCam Products

SVS-Vistek is extending its portfolio to cameras into wavelength ranges not visible to human beings with the partnership of BlueVision. On the Vision 2018 show SVS-Vistek displayed a SWIR demo with excellent image quality.

Invisible to human beings

Multispectral cameras and infrared cameras are extending the usable wavelength range in machine vision. They enable visibility of the long wavelengths beyond the natural range of human vision – especially the range from 1,200 nm up to 1,700 nm.

Working cooperation

Our new cooperation with BlueVision gives SVS-Vistek the possibility to talk with our customers about new markets and new applications. Our demo at the Vision 2018 showed the benefits of this technology by looking through silizium, which is intransparent for the human eye, but transparent for SWIR.
