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Imprint and Legal Notice

SVS-Vistek GmbH
Ferdinand-Porsche-Str. 3
82205 Gilching

Telephone   +49 8105 3987-60
Telefax        +49 8105 3987-699

Managing Directors:
Robert Franz
Procuration: Thorsten Schmidt

Corporate headquarters: Gilching
Registry court: HRB 82127, Munich
VAT-ID: DE 128249150

Responsible for the content according to § 18 MStV:
Robert Franz

Responsible for concept, design and realisation:
JMS | Büro für Marken & Design, Seefeld (Munich)

» Our general terms and conditions

» Privacy and data protection statement

Important notice

These products are designed for industrial applications only. Cameras from SVS-Vistek are not designed for life support systems where malfunction of the product might result in any risk of personal harm or injury. Customers, integrators and end users of SVS-Vistek products might sell these products and agree to do so at their own risk, as SVS-Vistek will not take any liablility for any damage from improper use or sale.

Legal reservation

To be noted: SVS-Vistek GmbH has to protect its intellectual property, including its patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, no rights whatsoever to the intellectual property of the SVS-Vistek GmbH or of third parties will be assigned via this website to anybody. For any information concerning the enterprise or contacts referring to its products, see top of this page.

Liability for contents

The contents of our pages was drawn up with utmost care. However, we cannot assume any responsibility for correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents.
As a service provider, we are responsible under §5 TMG for our own contents on these pages according to the general laws. Service providers are, however, not responsible to watch over the foreign information they have delivered or stored, or to search for any circumstances that point to an illegal activity. This does not affect the liability to remove or block the use of information in accordance with the general laws. However, any relevant liability is not possible until the moment of notice of a definite violation of law. As soon as relevant violations of the law come to our knowledge, such contents will immediately be removed.

Liability for links

Our website also includes links to external websites of third parties, the contents of which being beyond our control. Thus, we cannot assume any liability for these foreign contents. It is always the respective provider or holder of the page who is responsible for the contents. Before linking, we carefully examined the contents of the pages with regard to any statutory violation. We could not find any illegal contents at the moment of linking. A permanent control of the contents of linked pages without any definite clue for a violation is, however, unreasonable. As soon as we become aware of any violation of the law, we will immediately remove these links.

Consumer Arbitration

In the event of any legal conflicts with consumers (Section 13 of the German Civil Code, SVS-Vistek GmbH agrees to take part in consumer arbitration proceedings in accordance with the German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act. The consumer arbitration office responsible for SVS-Vistek GmbH is

Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V.
Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein
Telephone 07851 / 795 79 40
Fax 07851 / 795 79 41
Web site: www.verbraucher-schlichter.de


Texts, pictures, graphics, sound files, animations, video files and the way they have been arranged on this website are protected by copyright and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. To prepare copies thereof for commercial use or any further distribution is prohibited. Furthermore, said objects must not be modified or transmitted to different websites.


Any products or company names that are not part of the property of SVS-Vistek GmbH appear just for the purpose of recognition and may be registered trademarks of the respective owners.